Vice grips are used for many tasks....just not for this!
Now that's what I call maximizing the cabinet space! We always try to inspect every component, but personal material can sometimes block our view.
At least you won't have to walk to the train station....
The seller said the electrical was just updated by "Uncle Bob".
I sure hope none of the kids' missing hamsters are in here!!!
"Honey, did you pay the roofer yet"? Seems like this roofer ran out of shingles and may have borrowed some from the neighbor.
Well if you run out of ice you know where to go....
And what exactly is it that you want us to inspect here?
I think they misunderstood the concept of plumbing traps!
I guess doing the dishes and talking a bath would save some time?
This reminds me of a screen saver. Now I know where all that PVC pipe went.
Honey, while your in the shower, can you flip the circuit back on?
There's just some things we won't inspect!
This style of garbage disposal needs the spark plug changed every 2000 miles....
And they said they had "Uncle Bob" fix the basement stairs.
Remember to always read the instructions when going to the bathroom.
This toilet never needs flushing!
Yes, that is a trash can lid. Rubbermaid would be proud! Some people will do anything to fix a leak.